There’s something exciting in the air when a new year begins. It’s like a fresh start with new goals and plans for the year ahead.
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Part of my ritual at the start of a new year is to look back on the year that was. What was the best month, worst month? Who was my biggest client? What were my wins? Social growth?
What were my goals and ideas for the year? Did I achieve them or did my plans change?
Through this process of reviewing I came across the word I chose for 2022.
Wow. That blew my mind. I had totally forgotten about it but 2022 for me was ALL ABOUT ALIGNMENT!
Little did Jan ’22 me know that six months into the year I was going to embark on a total transformation – if you have been following me for a little while you will know what I am talking about, I completely flipped my business in the second half of the year.
Human Design discovery
A short round up is:
I found Human Design. My energetic blue print. The map that made me realise everything about my business was OUT of alignment.
I discovered what my strengths and gifts are - in other words where my genius lies. And I worked on applying them to my business and the services I offer.
I discovered how to know when I was working with my HD and working against it.
There were services and products I deleted.
And unfortunately there were clients I said good bye to.
And that last part was hard – I had a history of holding onto things too long (I stayed at my old corporate soul sucking job for almost 20 years!) and I really did love all of my regular clients.
Some of these clients had been with me for the long term and I had a great connection with. I loved working with them, but unfortunately I realised I didn’t love the work I was doing for them.
Looking back over my ’22 year that was, I realised I wiped over $20k of regular income. At the time it was scary AF but my income did not drop. Instead I attracted more clients with the work I was passionate about.
Saying goodbye to my biggest client
I’m seriously getting off track, but let’s get back to my biggest client.
This was a national company and I worked closely with the Marketing Manager, who is a very good friend of mine (I’m obviously very grateful to her for getting me the gig in the first place).
I LOVED working with her. Especially because we don’t live in the same area so don’t get to see each other often, but we still had a lot of contact through work.
But I really lost passion in the work because it wasn’t the work I loved. I found myself having to talk myself into working on their projects. Once I started and got them done they were fine but they just were not the work I loved.
It was also feeling like I worked for the company – and that is not the reason I work for myself.
I would need to make the time to get their projects sorted asap with little notice and at times it did impact my family time. This is totally not against them, they just needed someone who would be available at the drop of a hat and for me that was not the direction I wanted to go in my business any longer.
Breaking up was hard and took a few months.
I was not about to leave them in the lurch because
a) I wanted to look after my friend
b) because they relied so much on me for their business as I had been their sole designer for years.
We agreed that I would keep working with them until the right replacement could be found. They were thinking it would happen in six months. My mind was thinking two (soz for the honesty Kez)....
The stars aligned
As a Generator I need to be checking in with my gut with every thing I do and ensure I get a yes - if something is a ‘should do’ then it’s working against my design and it really needs to be a ‘no’.
I knew working with this client was a ‘no’ and I was doing it because I ‘should do it’. But I put it out there into the Universe by saying ‘I know I should not be doing this work anymore. Help me and the client and put the right replacement within our path so I can let go of this work.’
A couple of weeks later one thing led to another and I saw a post in a Facebook group. The comments had recommendations with designers so I checked some of them out.
I emailed a list of potentials through to my client with one that I really felt good vibes from at the top of the list – turns out she really liked the sound of that designer too and contacted her.
Turning into the best situation
This designer turned out to be the best thing for my client.
She lived in the same area so could meet in person and visit their workplace.
She provided additional services they needed that I didn’t provide.
And most importantly was super excited and passionate about working with them.
In fact after their first meeting my client said ‘it felt like I was sitting there talking to you, she works the same, thinks the same and even looked like you!’.
Obviously my client was sad we couldn’t work together (as was I) but she could see how the situation could turn out for the best for them.
It’s now happy days for all of us.
Was coming across my replacement a coincidence? I don't think so. I totally believe everything happens for a reason and there was much more at play here. It happened all in divine timing and exactly how it was supposed to.
Saying no is not a bad thing
The moral of my story? Saying no can actually be the best thing to happen to someone. While it might make you feel not so good, it might take someone on the path that leads them to a better situation.
Loose the conditioning that you need to do something because you ‘should’ and be confident to say no. It can change the path of your life (for the better) and also benefit someone else xxx
If you are ready to step into your own power you can start with a Human Design chart reading or join the next round of my Aligned Marketing by HD group program ✨
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Supercharge your brand and marketing in a way that aligns unique to you with Human Design.