Your energy type is your first entry point into discovering what your Human Design is and tells you how you are supposed to be exchanging energy with everything around you.
When you use your energy correctly life and business will feel easy and effortless 🤩
Knowing your energy type is a huge part of your design but your chart goes sooooooooooo much deeper.
Reading into your chart we can find all sorts of information including the way you need to make decisions, your gifts, the signs you are living out of alignment, your purpose and so much more.
Your energy type is only part of the equation but it's an important one. Knowing how you are supposed to exchange energy in the world (and your business) is going to help put you in the fast lane!
Here's a quick rundown on each energy type:
Their relationship to energy is to create, to lift, to share, to magnetise.
Generators are pure life-force in motion, these people have an attracting aura and a juiciness to their energy. They are here to dance with life and engage their energy to move their community forward in a way that is meaningful to them. When they are doing what they love, people can't get enough of them. They are also the natural hustlers and doers of society.
Their relationship to energy is to forge, to play, to create.
These are a hybrid for the new age of a Generator plus a Manifestor – when they're living correctly they are like super humans! Not only do they have the ability to initiate, like the Manifestor, they can also make it happen like the Generator.
Their relationship to energy is to tweak, to guide, to bring efficiency.
These people are here as guides for the tribe. They have an ability to see something the way others can't – whether that's reading into people, devising systems, or designing new ways of doing things, each projector has a special ability of their own.
Their relationship to energy is to reflect, to mirror, to reveal.
These are super rare energy types in human design, with less than 1% of the population falling into this category. They are the true mirrors for society with the greatest potential for wisdom out of all the types.
Their relationship to energy is to rally energy, gather, create momentum in a direction.
These are the trail blazers who are here to create movements, whether they intentionally try to or not! Their energy can’t help but be felt when they walk into a room. Manifesting energy in human design simply means you don’t need to wait for collaboration from the Universe in order to act. It’s an impulsive energy not driven by anything but the Divine expressing itself through you. A big part of living correctly as a Manifestor is cherishing and honouring those impulses, because they’re rare and special.
Learn your unique soul blueprint and live your life and run your business how you were energetically born to with a Human Design Chart Reading.
We will go deep into your unique magic with your personalised 1 hour reading.